Textbook Organizer Pro is a program that allows to manage your textbook catalog.
By using it, school districts and schools will be able to record the textbooks they have, as well as the data, like physical location, characteristics, borrowers, etc. This program allows to maintain a complete database with information about the books, the borrowers, the locations, etc. You can enter even a barcode, that you can print in the books labels or the borrower´s credentials, and use a barcode reader to automatize the lending process. The program can print Avery labels with the data you want to post on your books, or the credentials. If your computer has a webcam, you can use it in order to snap a picture that you can include in the database. If you have a scanner, you can use it in order to scan the covers of the books that you will catalog in your database. The program allows to import records from Amazon.com or the Library of the Congress.
The evaluation version can be used for free for thirty days. It is able to import up to a hundred records from the Internet.